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Horizontal or Vertical Video Review Format. Which one to choose?

Lea von Bidder
January 9, 2024
In this post

When it comes to video product reviews, choosing the right format is crucial to the success of your marketing strategy. At expeerly, we offer both horizontal and vertical video formats and in the campaign manager, you can choose between the two or select that you want both for an additional cost.

But what exactly do these terms mean?

Vertical video refers to videos that are shot in a portrait orientation, with the height of the video being greater than the width. This is the format that is commonly used on social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat.

On the other hand, horizontal video, also known as landscape video, is shot in a landscape orientation, with the width of the video being greater than the height. This is the format that is commonly used on platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo.

So, which format should you choose for your product review video? The answer depends on various factors such as your target audience, the platforms where you will be sharing the video and the overall goal of your video marketing strategy.

Chose Vertical Video

  • When targeting a mobile-first audience: With the majority of internet usage happening on mobile devices, vertical video is the preferred format for mobile viewing.
  • When creating social media content: Many social media platforms, such as TikTok and Instagram, have a vertical format for their stories and feed, making vertical video a better fit for these platforms.
  • When creating videos for stories: As the format for stories on social media platforms is vertical, videos created for stories will look better in vertical format.
  • When creating review videos for your product detail page or the one of your retail partner and these allow vertical format in the placement you envision (not always given for product carousels!)

Chose Horizontal Video

  • When creating review videos for YouTube: YouTube's player is designed for horizontal video, and videos in this format will fill the entire screen on the website and mobile app.
  • When creating review videos for traditional film and television: Horizontal video is the traditional format for film and television and is still widely used in these mediums.
  • When creating review videos for a desktop audience: Horizontal videos are better suited for desktop viewing, as they can fill the entire screen.
  • When creating review videos for your product detail page or the one of your retail partner and these need horizontal format.

In conclusion, choosing the right format for your video product review is crucial for its success. Both vertical and horizontal videos have their own advantages and it's important to consider your target audience, video marketing strategy and placement opportunities before making a decision. At expeerly, we understand the importance of getting it right and that's why we offer the option to get your initial reviews in both formats for a small additional cost. This allows you to test which format yields better results for your specific needs. Additionally, you can always add the other format later, should you realize the need for it. By taking the time to carefully consider your options, you can ensure that your product review videos will be effective in driving conversions, traffic, and SEO.