And finally, submit and get paid!

That’s the best part. This is how you submit your video and get paid.

Submit video on time: Submit your video within the timeframe specified on the campaign page, typically four days after receiving the product. Adhere strictly to this timeline.

24h after you get feedback: If feedback is provided, rework and resubmit the video within 24 hours. There may be one or two rounds of feedback.

Over communicate: Immediately inform the team about any issues that might delay submission, such as illness or late product arrival. It's better to communicate too much than too little.

Submit b-roll: Along with your final video, submit all shots and B-roll footage. This allows the team to make minor changes without repeatedly contacting you.

Getting paid: Connect your bank account via Stripe. Here's a detailed "How-to" video.

Once your video is approved, you will receive an email and payment will be triggered, typically around 7 days after submission.

After approval and payment, you may still need to work on client feedback within 24 hours if any is provided.

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